• This International competition is open to all VR game developers, be they individuals, start-ups or more established studios.
• Submitted games must be either a new concept or original idea that is currently unreleased, or a VR title released in last 6 months which hasn’t been published in the Chinese market.
• Entries must be suitable for either mobile or PC-based VR.
• Shortlisted entrants will be required to submit their game for judging on relevant DeePoon hardware (hardware and support will be provided by DeePoon)
• Entries will need to have at least one member of their team with a valid passport and able to travel to China on July 25th – 30th.
• To qualify for initial entry we need you must provide a full description of the game and key concept, Concept artwork/screenshots, Video and/or playable file, and the core details of the development team (team name, developer names, mails, engine used and project status with estimated launch date)
• The closing date for entries is June 20th, 2016.
• Any entries after the closing date may not be accepted.
• Need to ask a question? Send us an email at: support [at] globalvrchallenge.com
The following rules (T&Cs) constitute the terms under which we accept all entries for the Global VR Challenge. All submissions are accepted under these Terms and Conditions.
The closing date for 1st round entries is June 20th, 2016.
The competition is open to all International independent game developers, be they individuals, start-ups or more established studios.
Steel Media & DeePoon employees or agents, or third party sponsors of this challenge are NOT permitted to submit games for inclusion.
Submitted games must be a new concept and has not been published prior to January 2016.
Submissions must not contain any language or material that is obscene, libelous or defamatory, and will not, violate or infringe upon any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, without limitation, any copyright, trademark, service mark, literary, dramatic or motion picture right, right of privacy, right of publicity or contract right of any person) and that it will not contain viruses, spyware, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, open source code or other similar harmful or deleterious programming routines.
Entries must be suitable for either mobile or PC-based VR (and will be tested on DeePoon’s hardware)
Shortlisted entrants will be required to submit their game for judging on relevant DeePoon hardware (hardware and support will be provided by DeePoon)
Entries will need to have at least one member of their team with a valid passport and able to travel to China on July 25th – 30th 2016.
To qualify for initial entry we need:
• One page description of the game and key concept
• Concept art/screens
• Video and/or playable file
• Core details (team name, developer names, mails, engine used and project status with estimated launch date)
All submissions are made on the understanding that if shortlisted, the submitting Developer will offer DeePoon a Right of First Offer of no less than 6 months from the closing date of this Challenge, during which time the Developer will enter in to exclusive good faith negotiations with DeePoon for Publishing rights BEFORE negotiating with any other parties.
All submitted artwork and/or videos are submitted on the understanding that they can be used by Steel Media and the principle sponsor DeePoon for the purpose of promoting this event.
As a condition of entry, Deepoon has a non-exclusive, non-commercial right to use all demos submitted to the Challenge for demonstrating hardware or internally promoting future competitions.
If, as a result of participating in the latter stages of the Challenge, the Developer achieves investment or funding from one of DeePoon’s selected partners, the Developer agrees to pay DeePoon a Funding Agent fee of no less than 2% of the overall investment. The exact terms of this will be drawn up in a separate agreement between both parties independently of this Challenge or Steel Media Ltd.
The Global VR Challenge is owned and operated by Steel Media Ltd of The House, Kelston Park, Bath, BA1 9AE, United Kingdom. Registration number: 04352070
Need to ask a question? Send us an email at: support [at] globalvrchallenge.com
UPDATED: May 31st, 2016